This is a project about which there is probably not much to say... After all, almost everyone knows what resuscitation is for! And when it comes to children's intensive care units, many adults are heartbroken just at the mention of this medical facility... And no wonder, many of us have children and it doesn't matter whether they're young or already grown up, we still worry about them!
Thanks to people who cared, before the war we were able to buy some important medical equipment for children's intensive care units in Odesa, Ukraine. And were able to save the lives and health of many children, including newborns!
Many hospitals were destroyed during the war in Ukraine all over the country! And if European philanthropic foundations will include in their plans to help medical institutions in our country, together we will save many more children's lives!
If you decide to do such an important deed, please contact me, and I will give you the list of equipment, contact chief doctors of the hospitals and intensive care units, and help you to choose the best equipment suppliers. And I will make sure that in the end, your efforts and opportunities will result in tens and hundreds of lives saved!
Below is a list of the things we have already been able to do with the purchase of medical equipment. For a full list of our good deeds, please see MADE TOGETHER WITH YOU!
(together with caring people)
- 5 WINDOWS OF LIFE installed in Maternity hospitals № 1, № 2, № 4, № 5, № 7 (reconstruction), in Rozdilna Central Regional Hospital (~292.600 UAH = $ 10.450);
- Medical functional bed, pulse oximeter ChoiceMMed MD 300K2, enteral feeding pump Enterport plus Bbraum, enteral feeding system, biomed reusable, silicone bag, autoclavable, in a case, Medical suction device "Biomed" electric 7A-23D, tracheostomy tube with silicone cuff 20 pcs, nebulizer Micro Cirrus and nebulizer kit with mask, coughshaker Phillips Respironics Coughassist T 70, oxygen concentrator JAY-10. (~161. 500 UAH = 6.460 USD)
- Consumables for the EasyStat blood gas and electrolyte analyser (namely Valve Module (~29.960 UAH = 1.258 USD);
- EasyStat EasyBloodGas PO2 electrode (~12.679 UAH = 533 USD);
- EasyStat EasyBloodGas pH electrode for Reznik Municipal Children's Hospital (~55.319 UAH = $2.324 USD);
- an electrocardiograph Midas 6/12 for the intensive care department of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~29.100 UAH = 1.222$);
- Rad 8 pulse oximeter for the intensive care department of Regional Children's Hospital (~38.520 UAH = $1.618 USD)
- 4 chairs for nursing profoundly premature newborns for the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at the Reznik Hospital (~34.875 UAH = 1.365 USD);
- device for mass hearing screening of newborns is installed in Children polyclinic № 6 (our contribution ~ 160.348 grn = 6.480 $ (half of the amount was collected by the polyclinic);
- pulse oximeter, suction device, double-syringe pump, laryngoscopy set, and bandages for the mobile resuscitation team of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~49.170 hryvna = 1.804$)
- an OSD wheelchair for a 90-year-old invalid pensioner (~3,800 UAH = $140);
- 8 mechanical wheelchairs for “Union of Organisations of Invalids of Ukraine" (~61.023 UAH = 2.223 USD);
- 45 chairs, 3 tables, awning for arbours were bought and 1 awning was repaired, 2 flowerbeds were equipped and trees were planted for the 7th Internat for children with consequences of poliomyelitis and cerebral palsy (~42.298 UAH = 1.574 USD);
- cardio-programme for ultrasound machine for the department of intensive care for newborns at the State Children's Hospital named after Reznik (~66.883 UAH = 2.489 USD);
- 6 mechanical wheelchairs, 5 canes, 3 pairs of axillary crutches, walkers, 7 bath stools, and 5 tonometers, glucose meter, test strips and a list of medicines and hygiene items for Odessa city committee of disabled people and sports club of disabled people "Odessa-Basket" (~65.893 UAH = 2.433$);
- Electrosurgical apparatus ARC 350, Bowa (electrosurgical knife) for operating theatre of urology and traumatology departments of Odesa Regional Clinical Hospital (~540,215 UAH = $20,326);
- 2 mechanical wheelchairs, 6 canes, 12 arm crutches, 6 armpit crutches, 2 wheelchairs, walkers without wheels, 2 stools, and also 10 tonometers and 2 glucometers for "Invalids' community of Ilyichevsky district of Malynovsky administrative board of Odesa city" (~ 23.463 UAH = $882);
nozzles to endoscopic kit and ligator for laparoscopic operations for neonatal surgery Regional Children's Clinical Hospital - (~285.371 UAH = 10.989 USD);
- oxygen concentrator for Anna Morozova with cystic fibrosis (~12.173 UAH = 466 USD);
- 6 oxygen therapy systems for the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~193,980 UAH = $7,450);
- Ventilator for high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (value $42.600) + resuscitation table (value $13.660) for intensive care department (resuscitation) of newborns at Regional Children's Hospital, we initiated the collection of the purchase in parallel with the "Corporation of Monsters", we have repaid part of the purchase in the area (~161.000 грн = 6.200$);
- an endoscopic video system for diagnostics and treatment of urological diseases to the urology department of the Odesa Clinical Hospital (~454,201 UAH = 16,660 USD);
- 2 pairs of batteries for electric wheelchairs for the " Invalids community of Malynivskyi district" and sports club for the disabled "Odessa-Basket" (~ 13 611,00 UAH = 500$);
- 6 mechanical wheelchairs and 6 canes for " Invalids community Zhovtnevyi district" and "Invalids community Illichivskogo district of Malynivska district administration" (~ 31.348 UAH = $ 1.152 USD;
- 4 mechanical wheelchairs for sports club of disabled people "Odesa-Basket" (~ 19.324 UAH = 734 USD);
- 6 mechanical wheelchairs for the " Invalids community of Ilyichevsky district, Malinovsky district administration of Odesa city" (~36.284 UAH = 1.379 USD);
- Gurney with an adjustable height for the department of oncohematology of Odessa Regional Clinical Hospital. (~8.150 UAH = $309);
- 4 mechanical wheelchairs for the invalids' community of Primorsky and Suvorovsky districts (~ 19.324 UAH = 725 USD);
- accessories for the universal operating table Mizuho SPL-331 for the department of neurosurgery of Regional Clinical Hospital (~ 44.160 UAH = 1.658 USD);
- Mizuho SPL-331 universal operating table and accessories for neurosurgery department Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~615.815 UAH = 24.376 USD);
- Jay-5 oxygen concentrator for the neurosurgery department, Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~17.000 UAH = 667 USD);
- GP-40 air sterilizer for the neurosurgery department of Regional Clinical Children's Hospital (~6.630 UAH = 259 USD);
- bed with electric motor OSD-91 (~10.500 UAH = 396 USD);
- wheelchair and shower chair for Odessa city community of invalids (~7.433 UAH = 284 USD);
- 3 beds "BIOMED" HBM-2SM for neurosurgery department of Regional children's clinical hospital (~40.500 UAH = 1.565 USD);
- a treadmill for the "Geriatric House of Mercy named after Saint Panteleimon the Healer" (~3,760 UAH = $141);
- 3 resuscitation tables/systems for life support together with the "Odesa Diplomatic Club" to the resuscitation department of Odesa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~600,000 UAH = $24,186);
- mattresses for hospital beds in the oncohematology department of Odesa Oblast Children's Clinical Hospital (~23,000 UAH = $964);
- wheelchair and walking aids for the Odesa City Association of the Disabled (~10,299 UAH = $432);
- wheelchair for Emelyanov Kolya (~34,500 UAH = $1,448);
- wheelchair for Yana Katruk (~35.000 UAH = 1.576 USD);
- Equipment and expendable materials for the Burns Department of Medical Rehabilitation Centre (Sudostroitelnaya Street, 1) (~45.933 UAH = 2.068 USD);
- Shunt for Levitskaya Maria (~16.000 hrn = 768$);
- orthopedic mattress and mattress cover for Reshetnikova Valentina (UAH 2.527 = $114);
- turbine for the spirograph for the department of oncohematology of the Regional children's clinical hospital (~ UAH 10.000 = 413$);
- 2-section bed OSD-93V+OSD-90V for Oncohematology Department - wheelchair for Emelyanov Kolya (~34,500 UAH = $1,448);
- Perfusor compact syringe infusion pump for the department of oncohematology, Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~29,800 UAH = $1,279);
- hearing aid "Menu 9" (Denmark) for Slavinskaya Kseniya (~16.344 UAH = 672 USD);
- wheelchair (~8.100 UAH = 670 USD);
- wheelchair for Osipenko V.F. (~8.300 UAH = $754);
- a set of special tools for the Burns Department of Medical Center (Sudostroitelnaya street, 1) (~ 39.250 UAH = 3.568 USD);
- a set of furniture for the library at boarding school No. 7 (~3,673 UAH = $459);
- beds 2 pcs special adjustable for bedridden patients, for Department of oncohemotology Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (these beds are very needed, as otherwise they have additional complications to the main diagnosis) (~24.570 UAH = $ 3.075);
- Pediatric flow sensor set for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Department at Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~3.960 UAH = $495)
- wheelchair for Oleksiy Pobuta (~3,372 UAH = 421 USD);
- three cardiac monitors for the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care at Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (such devices not only monitor the condition of children during severe diseases, but can often save lives) (~ 47.355 UAH = 5.920 USD);
- Cytospin 4 cytology centrifuge for precise diagnostics of oncological diseases for the laboratory of Regional Children Clinical Hospital (we saved the missing amount of money in order to buy this very expensive, but very important equipment, which allows diagnosing cancer patients more accurately and receiving better treatment) (~32,899 UAH = $4,112);
- electrodermatome DK-17 for the Burns Department Odesa Regional Medical Centre, an important surgical tool used in the elimination/treatment of severe burns (~19.730 UAH = 2.466 USD);
- Refrigerating equipment for Oncohemotology Department of Regional Children's Clinical Hospital, necessary for proper storage of expensive medicines for onco- patients (~11.550 UAH = 1.443 USD);
- Repair of 2 medical compressors for centralized supply of compressed air for artificial respiration in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department of Regional Children's Clinical Hospital. Cost of repair works (~4.868 UAH = $608);
- medications to the oncohemotology department of Odesa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~2,059 UAH = $257)
- wheelchair to the Kyiv District Association for the Disabled (~3,800 UAH = $475)
- High-frequency electrosurgical device used in operations, less traumatic for the patient than a scalpel, and reduces the rehabilitation time. Transferred to the Burn Unit of the Odesa Regional Diagnostic Centre (Vodnikov Hospital) (~32,657 UAH = $4,082)
-Newborn Intensive Care Desk for the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department at Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~60.486 UAH = 7.560 USD)
- Oxygen therapy systems are designed to provide oxygen therapy and enable precise dosage and concentration of oxygen, regulating the temperature and humidity of the air mixture. Donated to the Onco-Hemotology Department of Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (~7,280 UAH = $910)
... and much more!
I would be glad if you decided to change the world around you, and with me or not, does it really matter? The main thing is that there will be more good in this world and more children's lives saved!