Project idea "TIME SILHOUETTES " (Europe)
Project idea "TIME SILHOUETTES " (Europe)
One day in Serbia, at the ruins of the Krusevac fortress, I saw something that inspired this project!
As it happens, time spares nothing and no one. And if we add human activity to the ruthlessness of time, then everything that surrounds us will sooner or later fade into oblivion...
But history must be preserved at all costs for present and future generations. And man comes up with different options and ways of how to achieve this in this or that case.
The photo is one such example. They say that everything is brilliantly simple, and this is just such an example! We gave the project the name TIME SILHOUETTES because we thought it best captures the essence of the project.
We hope that you'll be able to do the same (using the experience of the people of Serbia) for your historical monuments which are no longer in a position to be restored...
Let the silhouettes tell the story for those who want to hear it...!
If you know where near you there's a place which would suit such a project, take a photo and send us the location, the photo and the story of that place. And you and I will create another silhouette of the past that many thousands more people will see after us!