Home / Books and stories / MY READERS


    Deep down I've always wanted to write... I started my first story (but never finished it) at school... Then my only reader was my school history teacher, who told me not to stop. But I never finished the story. Probably because my childish fantasy was quicker than my not yet fully developed skills of putting text on paper. It was only many years later, when I had children of my own, that I decided to try again... It was to them that I told my first fairy tale and found my first grateful listeners!

    When telling stories to my children, I tried never to repeat myself in the stories. And the characters and events were such that they always preferred my stories to bedtime cartoons. Ideas for stories would appear in my head all by themselves! Sometimes they came during my travels (Dracula's Castle, Germany's Fairy Tale Road, Durmitor (in Montenegro), Petra (in Jordan...) to hundreds of different places around the world. And sometimes, during stories around the campfire, with adults and children, friends and neighbours as listeners!!! 360 days in a year and 360 different stories and so on for years on end...

    All my family members often told me that I should take a pen and write down everything I tell. But it was about fifteen years before it finally happened...

    The war in Ukraine, which started in 2022, was the decisive factor that influenced me to start writing. And as you can guess, I started with the emotions that overwhelmed everyone in my home country at that moment! I turned these emotions into lines and lines into stories. That's how the first works of the Crossroads of the Worlds series were created. And the first readers were my Facebook subscribers.

    Story after story, new and old stories, different genres and directions... This added yet another hobby for me, writing and sharing my writings with anyone who wants to read them!

    However, I am by no means in a hurry to post everything that has been written. Like any author, I hesitate, waiting for inspiration to rewrite the seemingly finished material again and again, only then to give it to you to read!

    But the most important thing is that in my stories, just like my readers, I wait for new plots, and together with everyone else I worry about the fate of seemingly simple fictional characters... They say that the ideal reader is the author himself... I think there is a grain of truth in this...

    Of course, to become even a little famous author, you have to earn recognition from a large number of readers, publish in large print runs and devote your life to it... And do you have to? I just follow my hobby. So practically the only place where you can get acquainted with my work is this resource!

    Finally, I would like to say: "Each of you (whether you are the author or not) is writing his or her own story of a happy life! May your hand never waver! And the story you wrote will be the brightest and happiest in the whole world!

    See you in new worlds!