Project idea "FOREST" (Europe)
Project idea "FOREST" (Europe)
A unique solution that uses the interaction of science
and society to support the efforts already being made by the government!
Table of contents:
1. Problems and possible irreversible consequences!
2. Are Germans ready to say goodbye to their forests?
3. A unique solution that can CHANGE EVERYTHING, and the methodology of the project!
4: The technology to plant forests by seeds!
5. How can the German Forest Rescue Project save the world's dying forests?
The forests are leaving the planet in a hurry... It is likely that humanity as a whole will have to pack their bags too!Even though we often hear appeals about the need to preserve the ecology and the balance of nature, the response and actions are either too little or too late!
However, trouble is knocking at our door, not only in arid regions near the equator, but even in the greenest countries such as Germany (the greenest country in Europe, by the way)!
Summer drought, fires, hurricanes and bark beetle have joined forces to attack our forests! And each of these problems is trying in its own way to do maximum damage...! Out of an estimated 11 million hectares of forest (which is about a third of Germany's territory), whole regions and valleys are sick today... Between 2019 and 2020, 1.7% of the forest is sick (this is 10 times more than the previous annual average)! And this figure is constantly increasing... Only 21% of the trees studied by experts at the time had an intact canopy (a tree health indicator)!
To give you an example, a record number of trees died in 2020 alone. Germany lost 138,000 hectares of forest in that year alone. This has never happened since observations began in 1984. And between January 2018 and April 2021, more than 501,000 hectares of trees were destroyed. That is almost 5% of the total forest area in Germany.
Spruces are thought to have been particularly hard hit, but deciduous trees are also losing much of their leaf mass at a staggering rate, suffering global crown depletion!
Trees felled by the storm become ideal colonies (outposts) / breeding grounds for bark beetles! And forests which have lost their natural defenses in view of drought not only become successful prey to storms but also are completely defenceless against the hordes of beetles that attack them! It is important to say that each tree infested by Bark beetles becomes their home and colony and opens the way for infestation of dozens of following trees, increasing the geometrically existing problem!
Of course, we should not forget that the existing problem is also anthropogenic in nature... For example, in the Harz region, which is the most affected today (80% of the stands are fast-growing spruces)! At the same time, the Harz region was originally dominated by mixed forests (beech trees...). However, after the world wars this has been replaced by spruces as far as possible, due to their greater industrial attractiveness! Unfortunately, it was not taken into account at the time that the spruces were perfectly fine in other, native climatic conditions (i.e. from a height of 700 meters), not to the current constant drought and consequently to bark beetles!
But is it only the Harz? The whole of central Germany, with its coniferous forests, was badly affected. From Eifel to Sauerland. And also, the entire Thuringian Forest to Saxon Switzerland. In the largest federal state (North Rhine-Westphalia) alone, more than a quarter of the coniferous forests were destroyed in three years. In some districts of the state such losses amounted to more than two thirds! Satellite data also shows extensive damage from stormy winds in eastern Bavaria, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony! And without urgently removing the wood destroyed by the elements, we are giving a new home to the forest-dwelling bark beetle!
And by the way, do not be mistaken in thinking that spruce is the only tree infested by insects... it is simply the most unprotected! Oak, beech and pine are the most "damaged" trees in Germany today, even though hardwoods offer more protection and some regeneration mechanisms.
All these factors and a number of others are a perfect combination for the enemies of the forest, which means that Germany is losing the battle for its forest so far!
To understand how deep the connection between Germans and the forest is, and how deep this connection has been since time immemorial, it is not enough just to come to Germany and drive through it and marvel at Europe's greenest country! You need to know the history and culture of this country! Perhaps then you can touch the emotional connection that the people of this beautiful country feel to their forests!
Germans express their attraction for the forest not only with numerous walks and hikes! And it is certainly not only forest protection actions that can characterize Germans and their affection for the forest! Historically, at the beginning of the first Christian millennium, between 70 and 90 per cent of non-romanised parts of Germany were planted with trees. The Germans (historical name) at that time settled in large clearings.
Love for the forest permeates history, and the relationship with the forest can often be found in poems, songs and fairy tales. Yes, you are not wrong, the forest plays a huge role in German history and culture.
Perhaps you have read 'The King of the Forest', written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe? Or have you heard about the 7.000 oaks project by the legendary twentieth-century art personality Josef Beuys?
And how could one not think of Richard Wagner, who composed the opera cycle The Ring of the Nibelung in 1876, which lasts 16 hours? Or maybe Alexandra, who sang the 1968 hit 'My Friend the Tree', was also part of someone's love of the forest...?
However, we could go on and on about emotional attachment, but it is probably worth pointing out that Germany has more than 90 billion trees, which equates to around 1,000 trees for every inhabitant. More people are employed in forestry than in the car industry. And the forest in Germany produces 25 to 38 million tons of oxygen every year - between one and a half to two times more than Germany's population needs to breathe.
Eleven years ago, on 25 June 2011, UNESCO added five stretches of beech forest in Germany to its World Heritage List. These are located in the states of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Thuringia and Hesse. Beech forests are an unspoilt wilderness in Europe. 6500 years ago, they covered 40% of the European continent.
Germany once already went through a period when between 1.750 and 1.850 the consumption of wood by households and the economy (shipbuilding, mining), the burning of wood led to the fact that there was not a single solid woodland in the whole country! It was precisely during this period of "scarcity" that the romanticization of the "German forest" began, which was sorely lacking in the struggle to preserve it! And between 1.800 and 1.815 the science of forestry (Forstwissenschaft) was 'invented'. He was entrusted with saving the forest! The Saxon Hans Carl von Carlowitz coined the term "sustainability", his idea being not to cut down more trees than can grow again.
One last thing:
The modern forest in Germany consists of 77 species of trees and is largely the work of man. It is used quite sustainably from an ecological point of view! According to ministerial reports, mixed forests make up 76% of Germany's total forest area. this is made possible by subsidized restoration projects. However, civil society organizations, including the Friends of the German Land (Bund), feel that the government is not acting fast enough in increasing the percentage of mixed forests.
The experts' conclusions are not encouraging. Restoring the forest ecosystem may take even longer than previously anticipated. Germany and Europe therefore urgently need to take more effective measures to protect forests.
According to the Wald und Holz NRW, trees infected by bark beetle must not only be felled but also removed from the forest as soon as possible! This means that forestries and forest owners all over Germany are faced with the task of "restructuring" the forests. That means planting trees that can withstand drought and, if possible, better withstand strong gusts of wind.
In addition, foresters and forest scientists are conducting an international search in temperate regions for tree species suitable for planting in Germany. The costs of forest conversion are estimated at double-digit billions of euros. As many private forest owners have suffered losses in recent years, they are demanding government subsidies.
"Many tree species will not survive the future climate," explained AGDW Vice President Ziegler. - Mixed forests with heat-tolerant tree species must be started as soon as possible".
Are Germans at the beginning of the 20th century, 200 years later, ready to say goodbye to their forest again? And do landowners, politicians and officials realize that planting a forest does not mean reviving it?
A UNIQUE SOLUTION that can CHANGE EVERYTHING and the project methodology!
So, what do we have at this stage?
1. There is no doubt that the issue of reforestation is being tackled by the best experts and scientists! Rethinking the concept of mixed forests has only been going on since the 1980s, when the debate about the death of forests began. That said, so far the problem has intensified and a solution, if seen, is unfortunately in the long term, and that's not happy at all! But there is no problem that cannot be solved!
2. There is a growing consensus that the alternative to conservation is to cut down diseased trees and reforest with more sustainable tree species. However, experts are still arguing about how to conduct 'forest conversion' more correctly. Focusing only on autochthonous species will not solve the problem! Forest owners prefer the hardy conifers from North America but conservationists are concerned that they will displace native trees over time.
3. It is time to realize the main point - a healthy forest is now only possible by changing from large pine forests to mixed forests. The forests will then become resilient to climate change!
There are already a number of techniques for reforestation, all of which are interesting and undoubtedly applicable, although they have their own particular characteristics. But now we will focus on just one, the one that became the basis for our project!
This is by no means a new technology. Its features, as well as types and nuances, will be explained in more detail in the next section of the project! At this stage, our task is to look at the basic application of forest seeding, using the example of the lever that Archimedes spoke of and with which he guaranteed that he could turn the earth upside down!
Archimedes needed only '3 things': a lever, a fulcrum and the application of force! In our project, we will need the same three, but slightly modified, elements... They can also be compared to the three elephants on which, according to medieval scientists, the Earth stood at one time...
Our three elements look like this:
1. The love of Germans for their forest and the desire to revive it!
2. The seeding technology which we have uniquely adapted to be used to save the forest with the help of the people of Germany!
3. Our socio-marketing solution, which will create the basis for the whole mechanism to be implemented!
Now let's go through the points in more detail!
So, with point 1, the Germans' love of the forest, everything is perfectly clear! It is hard to imagine that Germans do not care about this problem! And we are 100% sure that Germans would be happy to participate in a reforestation project, but more about this participation just below!
When we created the project idea, we combined the culture of hiking, sport walks and picnics, so beloved by Germans, with the technology of seed planting! And so we came up with the following formula:
RESIDENTS of Germany (as well as tourists)
+ SEEDS (and planting them according to instructions in selected regions)
= RESTORATION of Germany's forests!
Yes yes, you're not wrong! We want to add to the culture of hiking, travelling, family holidays and walks the possibility of purchasing seeds (with planting instructions and all the nuances) and planting them ourselves in the areas agreed and approved for this purpose! In this way, we want an "army" of thousands of greengrocers, capable of planting a huge number of forests in a short period of time!
The success of this solution is not based on one idea alone. After all, without the right implementation mechanism, ideas are always just ideas. Therefore, in order to solve the problem and achieve success, we will elaborate on these points below.
Any environmental project should be based on the important dogma: "Do no harm by trying to do something better"! Based on this, we:
- must not make our own decisions about the types and varieties of trees used in landscaping. We must conform to the scientific approaches already developed and, accordingly, the trees selected for planting in the German forestry sector (possibly also taking into account the regional distribution of varieties, if any).
- can't choose areas on our own, which have probably already been identified by the government and forest landowners a long time ago. Our task will be to map the selected areas, creating a future greenery route with all the relevant instructions attached...!
- we will bring all the environmental parts of the project in line with existing regulations. However, to do so, the project must be approved at least at the regional level!
The most important task of the project was that we developed an accessible opportunity for anyone (German citizen or guest of the country) to contribute to reforestation!
By this we mean creating a simple and technically accessible mechanism for getting the seeds and planting instructions into the hands of those willing to participate:
- in cooperation with the seed producers, the species types are selected in agreement with scientists and ecologists as well as with the forest owners (there is an assumption that the seeds and recommendations will differ from region to region)
- special packaging (or more precisely, different packaging depending on the number of selected seed types for planting and their size and type of storage)
- the packaging is accompanied by additional explanations, both on the packaging itself and in the form of enclosed instructions
- there should be an opportunity on the package with the help of QR code to go to the Internet resource of the project and get all the additional instructions, video lessons and other accompanying information
- everyone who wants to order seeds to the post office, to buy them at petrol stations, probably in roadside shops... or to get them as a gift from the project within charity events
- in the case of adequate funding, the plan is to set up eco points, where seeds could be bought or bought for free.
- all the instructions and video tutorials provided, the participating residents will not only be temporary participants in the project, but will also look after the results of their work for some time!
Marketing is only needed when a person needs to be led into an issue and made aware of all its details and possible consequences... And also pushed to want to take part in fixing or changing an issue/problem...
Today, however, there are hardly any Germans who do not see what is happening to the forests while driving along the country's roads... Which means that we only have to tell how every citizen, can contribute to the restoration of the forests!
All we have to do is:
- remind you that tomorrow may be too late
- spread the word about the simplicity of the project
- make it known how to buy or get seeds
- to do a series of actions with big companies, politicians, the media, educational institution
- to involve pop stars and film stars in the project - to show what the forests in Germany used to be and what they might become if we don't start changing things now!
The right implementation of all of the above, as well as the love and desire to save the forest, will build the perfect social mechanism to save Germany's forests!
The inhabitants are ready to support already existing developments and actions of the authorities, all that is left is to put this mechanism in their hands!
All the figures below are indicative and will be further agreed (if the project is confirmed) with ecologists and experts!
There are advantages and disadvantages to the seeded forest planting technology, just like any other! However, one of the first important advantages is that when seeds are sown on the forest cultivation area there is no need to cultivate the planting material and transplant it to a permanent location.
It is advisable to create crops by planting seedlings or saplings on soils prone to erosion, to avoid seed leaching and blowing out, in dry and excessively wet areas. In the first case, when sowing seeds the low moisture content of soil causes weak germination of seeds and death of seedlings, and in the second case the seedlings cannot compete with vigorously developing weeds and also die. Needless to say, the soils we are talking about are for the most part suitable for these conditions?
On shallow soils underlain by rocks at a depth of 15-20 cm it is difficult to plant, so it is advisable to create plantations by sowing seeds. The emerging seedlings easily adapt to these growing conditions. It is advisable to sow seeds under the canopy of a clear-cut plantation after 1-2 years, i.e. to create a pre-emergence crop.
In spring, there is plenty of moisture in the soil and the temperature of the soil and air increases gradually. In woody plants, roots grow intensively and cambial cells divide vigorously during this time. Therefore, spring is the best time for planting woody plants. In spring, first of all, crops are planted in areas with light soil and on well warmed southern slopes. On areas with heavy soils and on northern slopes, crops are planted last. In areas with homogeneous woodland conditions, the deciduous species are planted first and then the conifers.
The choice of the reforestation and afforestation method is determined by specific natural-historical and economic conditions: the forest zone, the type of site conditions, the condition and origin of the forest area, the biological and silvicultural properties of the growing species, the purpose of the afforestation, and the economy of the forestry enterprises.
Historically, foresters began to use sowing much earlier, imitating the natural seed regeneration of the forest. Since the 19th century, when for the first time, along with seeding, forest planting was used, the share of planting in the total volume of forestry work has been constantly increasing.
In recent years, forest planting has been favoured almost universally.
The success of creating and growing forest crops by sowing seeds directly into the forest area depends on the origin and quality of the seeds, on the availability and optimal combination of environmental factors (heat, moisture, light, aeration, soil fertility, etc.), on the technology (timing, rates, sowing depth, etc.) and methods of sowing seeds, on the methods and quality of pre-sowing soil preparation!
Light stimulates germination, but is not necessary as it only acts indirectly through heat. The actual reaction, the redox potential of the soil solution and some trace elements also have an influence. The leading germination factor is the moisture content of the soil surface layer. In the first 1.5-2 days in the damp environment swelling of seeds is completed. Massive, uniform germination of pine seeds in sand and sandy loam occurs when the substrate humidity is 15-35% (optimum is about 25%, minimum is 10%, maximum is 50%), which corresponds to about 60-80% of total moisture capacity. Seed germination is facilitated by the small fluctuations in substrate moisture that are common in the natural environment. Droughts, even of short duration, have a detrimental effect on the nascent seeds. This is the reason for their low ground germination.
The sowing depth depends on seed size, sowing date, soil texture and moisture, and weather conditions. Small seeds in heavy soils are sown at a shallower depth in the spring than larger seeds in light soils in the autumn. Seeds of pine, spruce, larch on sandy, sandy loam and light loam soils are usually sown to a depth of 1.5- 2.0 cm, 0.5-1.5 cm on loamy soils; oak acorns, 6-10 cm; nuts, 8-12 cm.
When creating forest crops, the following methods of sowing seeds are used: row sowing, row-hole sowing and sowing in biogroups. When sowing in rows, seeds are sown in a continuous stream in rows with the same row spacing and are sown to the same depth. In row-hole sowing, the seeds are sown a few at a time in one hole and the holes are placed at the same distance from each other in the row. When sowing in biogroups, the seeds are sown in clusters, each of which includes several holes grouped together in an area that is predominantly square in shape.
Of course, this is only a small part of the information and details you will have to deal with when preparing a project! Other nuances such as seed preparation, correct planting location and much more will also be important! And also, after all the consultations to create a proper manual/instruction for the millions of helpers in planting!
But since humans can operate orbital stations and the hadron collider, we can definitely save the forest by planting seeds, adding these efforts to those already being undertaken by the German government!
And the main thing here is not the will of the people of the country, they are certainly ready, but of all the relevant experts, whose participation will be key in defining all the important norms. These will serve as the basis for a new social project for greening the planet!
HOW can the Saving Germany's forests project save the world's dying forests?
The world we live in is unique. However, man, for all his love of the planet he lives on, is trying more and more to destroy the uniqueness of the world around him, and now most of the problems can already be broken down into the standard areas that everyone understands (global climate change, pollution...).
So, with the forests, the problem of their disappearance is not unique to Germany! However, Germany can be one of the countries which can show, by example, different efficient technologies for regeneration of forest cover. They test their adaptation to the new challenges of global climate change and the problem of pests (both natural and a development factor of mankind itself).
We are sure that the future success of our project in Germany will make it possible to apply this technology in a large part of the world! However, we still have a long way to go to implement the project!
In the meantime, even the first steps and results of the project can be considered by environmental organizations and governments around the world. And it is possible that the application of our type and seeding technology, with the participation of the inhabitants of the country, will be the reason for the rapid reforestation of the entire planet tomorrow!
I really hope that this project will become part of the global reforestation of Germany and beyond! And I hope that we will be the ones to implement it, knowing all the details and nuances of each of its stages!
The project has been scientifically verified by experts at the Botanical Garden of the Odessa National University!